Jason's Personal Web Page

Home Page

About Me

Hello, I am Jason. I am an aspiring Software Developer from Peabody, MA. I am currently an Applied Mathematics and Informatics Double Major at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. As of recent I have come to love the state of Massachusetts and its diverse landscape as a result of cycling. If you are from the North Shore you may have seen my cycling through some of these town. My favorite town in Massachusetts is Gloucester.

Personal Projects

Local Connector

Fullstack Application made to help people connect to their local communities

Personal Website

My Personal Website made with whatever technology I fancy at the time.


Simple site made to help people locate their friends in UMass Amherst's 4 dining halls.

Echo Networking

An Echo server in client made using no dependencies in Rust


A simple currency conversion site made using Next.js and Redis

Awakening DB Creator

Simple CLI tool that creates a SQLite database of Fire Emblem Awakening Game Data

UMass Undergraduate Law Review

Project made for the UMass Undergraduate Law Review Club, under Build Umass.


Technologies I am eyeing